Medicine and treatment subvention

We think at the Noor Charity Foundation that no cancer patients in Iran should be subjected to any pain due to financial problems and the lack of facilities to stop their disease.

To this end, the Noor Charity Foundation, in support of cancer patients, in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations, a specific framework, the amount of allowances for medical treatment including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and related diagnostic measures, and the cost of supply Drugs for needed patients.

It should be clarified that these allowances will be settled by the health center or pharmacy in relation to the documents.

For this purpose, applicants for assistance from the institute can visit the headquarters of the Noor Charity Organization or the relevant medical centers in Tehran (the department of chemo in Rasoul Akram Hospital and Lolagar Hospital), or all branches and centers of the Noor charity in the cities and Complete the relevant form to apply for support.

Also, loved ones can apply for support online by completing the online application form on the site, so that they can contact the staff of the Noor Charities at the earliest opportunity to provide supplementary evidence.

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